Tango 2 Blues
We are a group of friends from the dance community, meeting on the first Saturday of each month for a relaxed evening of dancing to beautiful varied music which might include pop, classical, alternative tango and everything inbetween.
Most of us dance Argentine tango, but this is not compulsory. Dancers sometimes play with a variety of styles, depending on the track, eg modern blues, trad blues, jive, cha-cha etc – anything goes. Much of the music is chilled and emotive, with the occasional lively track for variety.
The evening is very different from most tango milongas because we play very little traditional tango music and we do not follow the usual tango etiquette.
The event is very friendly – dancers change partners, and ladies can ask the men to dance. Tea, coffee and sometimes cakes are available in the kitchen.
For further information please see our Tango to Blues Facebook page or contact Helen Higgins:
07491 676820