Stockport and District Air Rifle Club
A dedicated 25 yard inside range with an additional 30 yard outside (with a cover for users) range to offer a great facility for Target air rifles and pistols (using pellets)
We shoot from 18:00 –19.30 then 19.30 – 21:00 every Wednesday and alternate between Middle Farm, Bredbury and the Drill Hall every Sunday, 10am till 12noon.
The Club is a safe and social environment for shooters of all skills, ages and experiences with members always on hand to offer support and advice to ensure you thoroughly enjoy the sport.
We try to provide as much support as possible to all our members but sometimes it is great to have the reassurance of some insurance cover in case anything untoward happens, so we recommend you have your own cover and have found the following to provide good value for money, check it out via the following link.
For further information and to arrange an initial session, please contact:
Paul on 07800 549145 /
Adam on 07525 163953 /
Or for the Farm shoot
Howard on 07766 512364